Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Who is this woman in the mirror I see?
  This woman there in front of me.

Forty-one years
 of laugh lines,
  of joy,
   of faith,
    of sorrow and heartbreak.

Forty-one years of learning
 the gospel,
  the scriptures,
  the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Forty-one years
 of trial and error,
  forgiveness and trust;
   never giving up.

Copyright 2011 Corrina L. Terry
Picture credit: www.juztimage.com

This poem is for my YW Personal Progress Faith project. (Yes, I'm an adult leader working on it AGAIN.)

I wrote a similar poem when I was 16, looking forward into my future and questioning what I would experience and who I would become. (I need to find it and post it.)  I love this one because I incorporated faith and the gospel, not just life experiences. :o) Enjoy!

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Week Over!!!

First week of school over with. We all survived.

The boys made it through their first week of middle school without incident. (I almost had a nervous breakdown and was WAY more freaked out about them going to middle school than they were. Silly me.)

Steve made it through his first week back to college classes this fall.

I made it through my first week back at my middle school teaching shy seventh graders and obnoxiously funny eighth graders.


Now both boys are gone for the holiday weekend.

The hubby's at work.

I'm watching a chick flick.


(And happy in a quiet house for a change!!!)

In a semi-dirty quiet house that I'll finish cleaning tomorrow.

Corrina L. Terry
Copyright 2011
Photo credit: Me