Monday, January 1, 2018

A Mother's Wish

I wish you happiness and success,
but struggle and sacrifice too.
Not to be mean, but those are things that strengthen you. 

I wish you faith and belief in God,
but despair and doubt too.
Not to be rude, but those are things that build you.

I wish you love and romance,
but rejection and regret too.
Not to be gruff, but those are things that help you.

I wish you health and intelligence,
but malady and misgiving too.
Not to be dour, but those are things that humble you.

A mother shapes and molds, teaches and trains, and hopes and worries too.
As you start this new journey in life,
I wish you could see yourself the way I do.

© January 1, 2018 Corrina L. Terry 

Love you Joshua!