Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is It Vacation Time Yet???

I still have a MONTH until Spring Break and 2 1/2 months until summer. (I'm not counting or anything.) Here's where I'd like to be right now:

A lovely Caribbean beach.

Or here:
On the North Shore, Laie, Hawaii beach.

Or maybe here:

I'm sensing a theme here. Hmmmmmm . . .

Copyright 2011 Corrina L. Terry


  1. hi this is Sonia......
    Hmmmmmmm!!!!!!! its Yamyyyyy.........

    I like the blog...

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  2. Hawaii, let's go! (still never been!)

    Or a book...

  3. I still have a month before spring break too. Doesn't seem right. Just the sight of pirates makes me trunky for that place.
