Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Time was running out. She glanced at the hourglass again and again, praying for the sands to slow down. It didn’t help. Her hands raced through the motions, not hesitating, not stopping, though she feared they would.

Wracking her brain she worked harder and harder, taking one more glance at the hourglass, thinking, moving, and then glancing again.

The sands sifted down. The upper chamber was empty. Time! Now she would find out if she was still the master at Boggle.

Photo credit: Willow @  Magpie #32
When I saw this photo I couldn't help but think, "Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives . . ." Ha ha ha! :o)  But really, this was a fun writing prompt!
My sisters and brothers and I played long hours of Boggle back in the day. I miss playing that game. I'll have to shop around for one and start the next generation Boggling. Enjoy!


  1. Funny I too thought of The days of Our Lives - my Mum loved watching that! I love your take on Willow's photo.

  2. Oh dear ... I fear too many of us are thinking of Macdonald Carey and Francis Reid.

    Nicely done!!

  3. Not sure what Boggle is. I'll have to look it up.

  4. I do remember watching the hourglass while playing some game or two!

    timeless flies search for fries

  5. Ah, you got me at the end! hehe Cute one!!

  6. I love it! lol

    mine is here -

  7. Whippee! You caught me. I thought she was weaaving magic!

  8. nice twist! and nice reminder of all those little hourglasses for all those fun games we played as kids (and adults)

  9. Nice. Time is mind boggling, isn't it?

  10. Perfect description! We have Boggle Master, and we love it. For some reason we use a stopwatch, probably because we ignore the sand timer in search of more words. Someday you and I'll get together and do some canning and Boggling!

  11. Like this. Off to find out what Boggle is.

  12. I'm sure you've retained your championship! Well done - I love the countdown...

  13. I have got mad Boggle skillz...

  14. I love games that use an hourglass. I just wish my family would let us use one when we play Scrabble because they take FOREVER. Great read!

  15. Boggle?! Ha ha! This was awesome - not expecting that. Boggle and I do not have a good relationship.

  16. great fun, lovely magpie, but what is boggle?

  17. I haven't heard of Boggle but it sounds like a lot of fun. Like your interpretation of the prompt.

    CJ xx

  18. ha. fun magpie...i gotta be careful when i play games i get a tad bit competitive..

  19. You have to remove them from GOOGLE to get them to BOGGLE

  20. Thanks guys! I appreciate the kind words.

    For those who don't know what Boggle is---it's a word finding game. There are 16 cubes with a letter on each side. The cubes sit in their own little slots and the box has a lid. You shake the box to shuffle the letters. When you take off the lid, you flip the hourglass timer over to begin. The goal is to come up with as many words as possible before the hourglass runs out.

    I LOVE this game because it makes me think. ;o)

  21. I thought of Days of Our Lives also, in spite of never having watched the show and being aware only of the famous beginning lines.

    Your poem was intriguing and I am interested now in checking out what Boggle is all about. :)

  22. Corrina this is charming...i love it! :-)
